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Mastroeni fined for lingering

June 8, 2010 | 1:11 pm No comments
By Shaun Schafer

The Major League Soccer Disciplinary Committee today fined Colorado Rapids midfielder Pablo Mastroeni $250 for failure to leave the playing field in a timely manner after receiving a red card in Saturday’s 1-0 win over the Columbus Crew.
Mastroeni received a red card for striking Crew midfielder Steven Lenhart in the 76th minute of play.  After being sent off by the referee, Mastroeni remained on the field for a prolonged period of time. The $250 dollar fine assessed by the Committee is in addition to the automatic red-card punishment of a $250 fine and one-game suspension.

Mastroeni will pay a total fine of $500 and will serve the automatic one-game suspension for his red card offense during the Rapids’ next match, which is against the Chicago Fire on Wednesday, June 9.

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