Home » Air Force Academy, University of Colorado

CU slips by Falcons in tuneup

August 18, 2010 | 10:56 am No comments
By Shaun Schafer

The University of Colorado women’s soccer team beat the Air Force Academy 2-1 in a home exhibition match Sunday at Prentup Field, kicking off the 2010-11 athletics season for the Buffaloes.

Head coach Bill Hempen not only experimented during Sunday’s matchup by starting four freshmen, but he was constantly rotating everyone throughout the game.

“(Versatility) is what I expect from our players,” said Hempen. “Hayley Hughes can play left back, right back, center forward, and Alex Dohm started the game as forward and finished as defender. I just love that stuff because you never know what you’re going to need in any situation.”

Quickly after senior Amanda Foulk rotated into the game, she teamed up with freshman Anne Stuller to put CU on the scoreboard in the 29th minute. Stuller kicked the ball between the defense to Foulk who made a sharp shot past the goalie into the lower right corner of the goal.

In addition to her assist, Stuller led the team with four shots, two of which were on goal.

The Buffs held onto a 1-0 lead going into halftime.

Air Force scored during the 62nd minute of the game with an unassisted goal by forward Stephanie Patterson. Patterson made her way down the right side of the field past the Colorado defense where she put the ball in the back of the net.  

Colorado secured the win just seven minutes after the Air Force goal at 68:17 when Kate Russell sent the ball to Kym Lowry on the left sideline. Lowry passed the ball to Erin Bricker who buried it in the lower right corner of the goal. 

Colorado will return to the pitch as the Buffaloes take on Wyoming at 1 p.m. Sunday in the regular season opener.

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