Home » Colorado Rapids

Celebrating a win

October 31, 2010 | 1:00 pm No comments
By Shaun Schafer

Colorado controlled long stretches against Columbus and got a 0ne-goal win for it.

The Thursday night victory marked the first time the Rapids had been in the playoffs since 2006, and the first home playoff win since 2004. It was also the night that Dick’s Sporting Goods Park (opened in 2007) finally got to host a playoff game.

While the Omar Cuammings-to-Conor Casey-to-Pablo Mastroeni was the only strike to find home on the night, here’s a look at some memorable moments from the evening.

The Rapids and the Crew march onto the field before the start of Thursday's match. (Photography by Jonathan Ingraham/ColoradoSoccerNow.com)

Fans are on their feet as players are announced. (Photograph by Jonathan Ingraham/Coloradosoccernow.com)

Fans are on their feet as players are announced. (Photograph by Jonathan Ingraham/Coloradosoccernow.com)

There were moments of high-flying action, especially when the ball was near Omar Cummings. (Photograph by Jonathan Ingraham/Coloradosoccernow.com)

There were moments of high-flying action, especially when the ball was near Omar Cummings. (Photograph by Jonathan Ingraham/Coloradosoccernow.com)

And there were moments of low-flying action, such as when Conor Casey made an appeal for a foul. His calls for a whistle were rarely successful. (Photograph by Jonathan Ingraham/Coloradosoccernow.com)

Then there was the 25th minute goal to celebrate. As Pablo Mastroeni clutches a souvenir after finding the roof of the goal, Wells Thompson, Marvell Wynne and Anthony Wallace revel. (Photograph by Jessica Taves/Coloradosoccernow.com)

It also took some stingy defense, as Jeff Larentowicz demonstrates in a sea of yellow. (Photograph by Jessica Taves/Coloradosoccernow.com)

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