Home » Colorado Rapids

Moor goal nets a point

May 14, 2011 | 6:47 pm No comments
By Shaun Schafer

As the Colorado Rapids see the revolving door at forward continue with injuries, the team keeps finding a way to pull a point.

On Saturday in Washington, D.C., Drew Moor found the net off a set piece in the 23rd minute off a free kick from Jamie Smith. Moor’s strike appeared it would be enough in the first half as the Rapids controlled play and D.C. United chased the ball.

The game changed in the second half as United controlled the ball and seemed to be on the door continually for the next 15 minutes. During that time, Joseph Ngwenya was robbed when Jeff Larentowicz crossed legs with him in the box and brought him down. The missed call there turned into a makeup in the 62nd minute when Chris Pontius earned a penalty kick on a fair shoulder-to-shoulder challenge with Kosuke Kimura.

Pontius made no mistake, burying his penalty kick as Matt Pickens guessed the other direction.

From there, the game seemed to open for each team, as both sought the winner. While it made for exciting, end-to-end action mated with a slick field in the rain, it ultimately produced no goals.

Instead, the Rapids got the satisfaction of completing a three-game road trip with a win in Houston and draws at New England and D.C. that moved Colorado to 4-3-3 (15 points) ahead of a 5 p.m. May 22 home date with Toronto F.C.

Casey Returns: Conor Casey, out with a hamstring injury since April 3, played nearly 30 minutes in the second half. The return of the bullet-headed forward was good news for a team that has lost Omar Cummings to an ankle sprain and backup Caleb Folan to a leg strain.

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