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Rapids add to midfield

January 17, 2013 | 12:23 pm No comments
By Shaun Schafer

A day after getting rid of the team’s defensive midfield bedrock, the Colorado Rapids added a possible replacement in Thursday’s SuperDraft.

Using the 11th pick in the draft, the Rapids picked up Dillon Powers, a 21-year-old midfielder from Notre Dame. The Rapids received the draft pick for the 5-11, 172 pound player as part of the compensation for trading Jeff Larentowicz to the Chicago Fire on Wednesday.

While Larentowicz, 29, had done all the team had asked of him at an all-star level, Powers represents an intriguing change. He’s known for his ability to possess the ball and pass.

What Powers lacks in Larentowicz defensive acumen — Notre Dame never called on him to make a tackle — he makes up for with vision and ability to hold the ball.

Powers will be fighting for playing time on a crowded midfield roster. Twelve of the 24 players on the Rapids’ roster are listed as possible midfielders. This listing runs from a primary defender, Anthony Wallace, to attackers like Tony Cascio and recent acquisition Atiba Harris.

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