Home » U.S. Open Cup

Sounders host Rapids on May 26

May 5, 2009 | 4:10 pm 2
By George Tanner

The Rapids will face the Seattle Sounders in their next U.S. Open Cup play-in match on May 26 at the Starfire Sports Complex in Tukwila, Wash. 

Isn’t Tukwila where Sarah Palin is from? Just sayin’.

Anyway, the game is three days after the next Rapids home game, Saturday, May 23. So it’ll be a quick turnaround for some players. And, as some readers have pointed out, it’ll be interesting to see which players coach Gary Smith puts in the starting lineup on the 23rd and the 26th.

Stay tuned.

In the other play-in game, D.C. United will host the Red Bulls on May 20 at RFK Stadium.

Here’s a link to the U.S. Open Cup Web site.

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  • Honest Mike said:

    Tukwila isn’t like Alaska. It’s more like Seattle’s redheaded step child. No respect.

  • George Tanner (author) said:

    maybe they should’ve named the team the Seattle Mavericks!

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