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Bears bound past Regis 4-0

August 18, 2010 | 10:36 am No comments
By Shaun Schafer

With the weather feeling more like October than August, the Northern Colorado women’s soccer squad looks to be in mid-season form as well after defeating Regis  4-0 in its final preseason tune-up before the regular season begins on Friday.

Krystine Dalton, a junior, got things rolling for the Bears by scoring on a breakaway in just the third minute. Less than a minute later, Northern Colorado struck again, this time with Ariel Cook scoring her second goal in two preseason games.

“I really liked how much energy we played with right out of the gate,” said Northern Colorado head coach Tim Barrera. “Even though its preseason,  getting out to the early lead helped make it easier to play some other players.”

Following the two quick goals to start the game, the Bears finished out the half with a goal by freshman forward Brittany Dunn and a score from senior Brittani Knott. The score going into halftime was already 4-0.

In the second half, Barrera played more of his bench. The Bears played staunch defense, allowing just two shots on target the entire game.

“The girls played really well out there tonight,” Barrera said. “They are definitely excited to get the season underway and see what we can do against Wyoming.”

The Bears will head up to Wyoming to take on the Cowgirls on Friday.

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