Home » Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

December 17, 2010 | 10:44 am No comments
By Shaun Schafer

Players from the RMAC dominated the list of classroom standouts released Friday by NSCAA.

The NSCAA Scholar’s West Region teams included 10 players from the RMAC among the 22 on the list. Regis University topped the list with four selections. Colorado School of Mines had three, Metro State had two and Mesa State had one representative on the men’s team.

Men’s Scholar All-West Region Teams

First Team

Pos. Name Year School Major GPA

K Brian Kostol Sr. Pacific Lutheran Business 3.54

D Garrison Cole Sr. Regis Spanish 3.64

D Taylor Willi Jr. Whitworth Chemistry 3.92

D Trevor Braun Sr. Colorado Mines Chemical Engineering 3.75

D Tyler Wilson* Sr. Metro State Finance 3.39

D Chris Bostic Sr. Colorado Mines Mechanical Engineering 3.86

D Jake Jobe Sr. Mesa State History 3.82

M Colin Bebee* Sr. Linfield Finance/Economics 3.95

M Benjamin Buhler Jr. Regis Engineering 3.77

F Kyle Emge Jr. Regis Business Management 3.49

F Nathan Kafer Sr. Regis Business Administration 3.68

Second Team 

Pos. Name Year School Major GPA

K Kyle Novak Jr. Whitworth History 3.52

D William Hiles Jr. Linfield Business 3.64

D Nicholas Shaw Jr. Whitworth Biology 3.32

D Peter Russell Jr. Puget Sound Politics and Government 3.71

D Aaron Grossberg Jr. Pacific Lutheran Biology 3.98

M Fernando Otero Sr. UC Santa Cruz Undeclared 3.62

M Scott Crawford Jr. Metro State Sports Industry Operations 3.58

M Nicholas Amedo Sr. Colorado Mines Mechanical Engineering 3.62

F Clayton Sorenson Sr. UC Santa Cruz Earth Sciences 3.64

* indicates prior selection

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