Home » Colorado School of Mines, UCCS

Mines men bag Mountain Lions

September 19, 2010 | 8:55 pm No comments
By Shaun Schafer

Bashi Baker scored both goals as the No. 3-ranked Colorado School of Mines Orediggers defeated the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 2-0 Sunday at Mountain Lion Stadium.
Oredigger goalie Manville Strand earned the win, making five saves.
Baker’s first goal came in the 13th minute on a pass from Tesho Akindele. The second came in the 59th minute with Chike Sullivan providing the assist.
Mines improved to 5-0-0, 2-0-0 RMAC, while UCCS fell to 1-5-0, 0-2-0 RMAC.
UCCS outshot the nationally-ranked Orediggers 18-13, with Matt Friesen launching six. Brandon Costa made three saves in the losing effort.
The Mountain Lions take on the CSU-Pueblo Thunderwolves on Wednesday at Mountain Lion Stadium to earn points in the battle for the Steel and Silver Trophy.

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