Home » Colorado School of Mines, Colorado-Colorado Springs

Orediggers slip by Colorado Springs

September 18, 2011 | 3:38 pm No comments
By Shaun Schafer

The University of Colorado Colorado Springs men’s soccer team answered the No. 13-ranked Colorado School of Mines Orediggers twice Sunday, but ran out of time in its search for a third reply in a 3-2 defeat at CSM Soccer Field.

The Orediggers took leads at 1-0 and 2-1, but the Mountain Lions tied the match shortly afterward each time. Mines took a 3-2 lead with just 5:51 remaining and, while UCCS did manage a shot and two corner kicks afterward, the advantage held up.

Bret Drefs scored one goal and assisted on the other for UCCS (3-3, 1-1 Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference). Mathew Cox added a goal and Kyle Lee had an assist.

Zach Page-Belknap had a goal and two assists for Mines (4-1, 2-0 RMAC). Page-Belknap penetrated and dropped a backward pass to the top of the box that Baski Baker converted into the Orediggers’ first goal. The goal, which came at the 13:48 mark, was Baker’s third this season.

The Mountain Lions answered in the 31st minute. Quick passes by Drefs and Lee left Cox open at the top of the box. His shot into the top right corner was his second score of the season.

Page-Belknap scored in the 62nd minute with assists credited to Alex Gunberg and Alex Nass. Drefs answered by converting a penalty kick just 1:37 later. The final goal was a turnaround score by Seun Ogunmodede at the 84:09 mark.

Brandon Costa made six saves for UCCS. Manville Strand had three saves for the Orediggers.

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